В час ночи у нас зашел разговор: была ли в 18 веке в британской армии форма у полевых хирургов и их помощников, особенно времен Ост-Индской компании и Войны за Независимость (не спрашивайте, почему у нас такие странные темы в час ночи, это нормально). Rebellis утверждал, что единой формы не было; мне смутно казалось, что была, потому что на британском флоте, в это время, она есть.
Пользуясь этим предлогом, выкладываю все, что удалось внезапно найти интересного в процессе (все на английском):

wiki.fibis.org/index.php/Main_Page - внезапная вики, посвященная только и исключительно британской Индии с 1600 по 1947 год.

www.archive.org/stream/diariesofthreesu00firm#p... - дневники британских хирургов, служивших в Индии, за 1763 год (издание исторического общества Калькутты, 1909)

European medicine in India from the sixteenth century - www.ucl.ac.uk/histmed/downloads/ma_teaching/lo/...

Что касается самого вопроса, то вот интересные факты из статьи «THE ORGANIZATION OF THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION»:

«No medical corps in the modern sense of the word existed. Ever since the time of Charles II, there had been a Physician General and a Surgeon General, and since 1758, Inspectors of hospitals; but little is known regarding their functions. According to the regulations, a surgeon and mate were attached to each regiment of foot. They were, however, essentially regimental officers. Although holding their commissions of the king, they were really appointed by the colonel, whose servants they had originally been. Sometimes the offices of captain and surgeon would be combined in one person. Many of the medical officers were Scotsmen, doubtlessly owing to the excellent facilities afforded for the study of medicine at Glasgow and Edinburgh in the eighteenth century. In many instances their professional knowledge must have been slight. The surgeons were not required to hold a medical diploma or degree, nor the mates to pass a medical examination. Sergeant Lamb, the author of the Journal of the American War, acted as assistant surgeon to the 9th and 23d regiments in America, although he had received no medical education whatsoever. Nurses were sometimes obtained among the women who followed the army, for it is a curious fact that the government permitted the common soldiers dispatched to America to take their "wives" with them and even rationed them from the public stores.24 The medical service, in short, was largely extemporaneous, and the feeling seems to have been that it was cheaper "to levy a recruit than to cure a soldier."

Army doctors labored under many other disadvantages besides ignorance and inexpert assistance. They were poorly paid. In 1775 the stipend of a surgeon's mate in the 60th Foot amounted to 3s. 6d. a day. Although given a certain allowance for medicines they had to provide their own surgical outfits; were not allowed uniforms; and occupied an inferior social status among the other commissioned officers. In the matter of medicines, they were governed to a large extent by a warrant issued in 1747 whereby a certain individual had been appointed Apothecary General with the monopoly for himself and his heirs of providing drugs for the army».

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